Psychiatry Experts
Forensic Psychiatrists
Adult Psychiatrists
Child Psychiatrists
Addictions Psychiatrists
Old age Psychiatrists
Learning Disability Psychiatrist
Psychology Experts
Clinical Psychologists
Educational Psychologists
Child Psychologists
Forensic Psychologists
Occupation Psychologists
Sport Psychologists
Counselling Psychologists
Learning Disability Psychologists

Educational Psychologists
We have Educational Psychologists, Child Psychologists and can assess the impact of developmental difficulties such as Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD), dyslexia or dyspraxia can have on educational outcomes.
We routinely prepare reports for SEND tribunals
- Consider a child’s integration in school or any experiences of bullying.
- Make recommendations for the home-school-network liaison.
- Take an integrated and systemic approach to developmental difficulties.
- Assess a child’s mental health and developmental difficulties.
- Include looked after children and their experiences of separation and loss.
- Assess the child’s intellectual ability and describe any cognitive difficulties.
- Consider the child’s attachments and life events when considering their abilities.
- Look to empower parents and teachers in meeting a child’s educational needs.
Occupational Psychologists
can provide a comprehensive expert witness independent medical assessments for Employment Solicitors and Employers and Individuals nationwide on a joint instruction and single instruction. We work with employers with a comprehensive range of services to support employers and employees understand the difficulties that they face at work. Our experts can also provide evidence-based therapeutic interventions to address employment issues such as work stress, trauma after an accident at work.
- Assessment of any sexual, racial or religious discrimination
- Reports for employment tribunals
- Psychological therapy
- Contractual work to support your HR departments
- Work related stress and stress management
- Fitness to work and return to work plans
- Assessment of trauma and PTSD

Child and Family Psychologists
Our Psychiatry & Psychology Experts are able to assist the court by providing expert witness reports on Parents and Children in Family Law proceedings.
We can provide assessments and expert reports in following cases:
- Parental Assessments – Risk Assessments
- Risk and ability to protect a child
- Substance abuse and Addictions: Drugs , Alcohol, Gambling etc
- Family Assessments / Dynamics
- Child Development Issues
- Attachment
- Child ADHD / Aspergers / Autism
- Care / Contact Proceedings
- Mental Capacity Assessment
- Domestic violence
- Emotional and Sexual abuse
- Personality Disorders
- Psychosomatic Disorders/ Munchausen & Munchausen by proxy
- Sexual offences
- Adult ADHD / Aspergers / Autism
- Parents and children of all ages
- Global family assessments
- Parent-child attachment or relationship problems
- Child mental health and developmental difficulties
- Specialist forensic risk including violence and sexual risk
- Non-accidental injury or ‘denied’ child maltreatment
- Complex family problems and systemic risk
- Adults with severe mental health or personality problems
- Risk of relapse of substance abuse
- Cognitive assessments of mental capacity
Forensic Psychologists
Our Psychology & Psychiatry Experts are able to assist the court by providing an in-depth understanding of offending and criminality, risks of reoffending and the most effective interventions to reduce recidivism.
Our experts are able to offer rigorous, evidence-based assessments to give clear, independent and objective evidence to the Court or tribunal in timely manner.
- Psychological and Psychiatric Assessments of offenders.
- Assessment of criminal risk of reoffending
- Recommendations for intervention or treatment in the community
- Diagnostic assessment of severe mental health or personality disorder
- Sex offender risk assessments
- Assessments of fitness to plead and capacity to instruct
- Assessments of testimony including suggestibility, compliance and false confession
- Analysis of witness testimony, suggestibility or false confessions
- Cognitive assessment of mental capacity within the Mental Capacity Act
- Assessments for prison parole hearings

Immigration and Asylum Law
Our Psychology & Psychiatry Experts are able to assist the court by providing expert witness reports on Immigration and Asylum cases often in 1-2 weeks.
- Psychological or Psychiatric Assessments
- Cognitive assessments of Mental Capacity
- Diagnosis of mental health conditions and personality
- Structured assessments of trauma and PTSD
- Assessment of sexual exploitation or assault
- Risk of domestic abuse or violence
- Understanding the psychological impact of deportation
- Victims of torture
- Clear treatment recommendations
Personal Injury / Civil Law
Our Psychology & Psychiatry Experts are able to assist the court by providing expert witness reports on assessments of personal injury. We have in-depth expertise in the field of trauma, PTSD and the impact that this can have on individual’s daily lives. We can provide a network of experts skilled in the treatment of trauma using evidence-based interventions including EMDR and CBT.
- Psychological assessment of trauma and post traumatic stress disorder
- Understanding the interplay between trauma and pre-existing mental health problems
- Assessment of the impact of work place accidents
- Assessments and psychological treatment in cases of medical negligence
- Complex neuropsychological assessments
- Mental Capacity Act assessments
- Robust care management plans and recommendations for intervention
- Evidence-based psychological interventions for trauma and PTSD

Mental Health Review Tribunals
We provide independent psychiatric & psychology reports for clients subject to detention under the Mental Health Act, including both Section 2, Section 3, Section 47/49 and CommunityTreatment Orders (CTO) in England and Wales. We address whether the criteria for detention are met, that guiding principles are being adhered to and that the least restrictive options have been given due consideration. We also provide independent psychiatric reports for Mental Heath Act in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Our Psychology & Psychiatry experts have in-depth experience of working in High, medium and low forensic services. Our expert can prepare repost for parole board hearings for mentally disordered offenders and sex offenders detained under the Mental Health Act.
- Advise on the appropriateness of medical or psychological treatment
- Make recommendations as to the level of supervision either in secure or community settings
- Identify a client’s needs in the transition to community care
- Recommend community treatment and intervention
- Establish criteria of MHA & MCA has been met or not
- Psychiatric and Psychological diagnoses and prognosis for change
- Undertake risk assessments
- Treatment recommendations
High Quality & Professional Experts
About Us
Forensic Evidence is MEWA LLP’s dedicated Forensic Expert Witness Service.
MEWA is a collaborative alliance of high quality experts who aim to provide exceptional quality expert witness service throughout UK & Ireland.
Our panel of experts has experience of working in many different sectors ranging from Forensic, medical, Clinical, health and social care. We provide cost effective nationwide expert witness service for all forensic and medical specialities with input from established independent experts.
For the legal profession, we provide high quality and cost-effective medical expert witness court reports in all fields of forensic science, forensic medicine, psychiatry, psychology and all other medical fields.
In addition we provide expert reports in all clinical/ health and social care fields such as Psychology, Nursing, Occupational Therapists and Social Workers. All our experts have in-depth experience and provide high
Why Choose us?
- Experts with proven track record
- High customer satisfaction
- Criminal, civil and personal injury work
- Experts in all fields (Forensic, Medical, Health & Social Care)
- Affordable & Cost Effective Service (Insurance, Legal Aid & Privately funding accepted)
- Forensic experts with vast experience
- Full UK & Ireland Coverage